Ready to have a healthy

dating life? (or a dating life that exists in general 🤪)

I got you sis.

Does your dating

life look like:

  • Constantly falling for situationships?

  • Delulu infatuation with no real pursuit?

  • Feel like the guys at church never ask you out?

  • A pattern of falling for men who aren't ready to commit?

  • Settling for men who aren't godly?

  • Often interested in men who are never interested in you?

  • Falling into sexual sin in dating?

  • It's been years & he's still coming back, but you can't seem to end it?

  • Think God is giving you a sign 'he's the one', but see little pursuit?

  • Are afraid you'll end up with a man you're not attracted to?

  • Constantly falling for emotionally unavailable men?

  • Or let's be real, just non-existent?

Do you dream of a health dating

life that looks like:

  • Pursued intentionally by a man of God?

  • Treated like a queen & honored in your physical boundaries?

  • Led spiritually by a man who will pray for you & is planted in the house of God?

  • Consistent in his character & calls/shows up when he says he will?

  • Is someone you're attracted to without having to compromise emotional or spiritual connection?

  • A safe space for you to heal & grow together?

  • A spirit-led season intentionally in pursuit of marriage with God at the center?

  • Building a relationship with accountability, in community, & Godly counsel?

Heal your toxic love patterns, rewire your attraction, & end situationships in the 'If He Wanted to He Would' Course for Christian Single women.

What you get:

  • 5 Life Changing Modules

  • Lifetime Access to SITCH-SISTERS Accountability IG Group Chat

  • Situationship Shutdown E-book

  • 365 Singles Adventure Guide

  • BONUS: Breaking Off the Miss Independent Complex

Inside the course:

  • Session 1: It’s Giving Bare-Freaking-Minimum

  • Session 2: Heal Your Attachment Style

  • Session 3: Rewire Your Attraction to End Toxic Love Patterns

  • Session 4: How to Know When it’s Time to Walk Away

  • Session 5: If He Won't Another Man Will

Other topics covered in the course:

  • Why 'Hot Girls' attract narcisists & 'Good Girls' attract jerks

  • What godly men are NOT attracted to

  • How to know when it's time to walk away or give him grace

  • What to SAY & DO the day you end your situationship & how to heal

  • What limiting beliefs you have about yourself & your future relationships

  • Why amazing Christian women are still single

Select the payment plan that's best for you:

A Value of $2,997

One payment of $397

(with bonuses)




  • 5 Life Changing Modules

  • Lifetime Access to SITCH-SISTERS Accountability IG Group Chat

  • Situationship Shutdown E-book

  • 365 Singles Adventure Guide

  • BONUS: Breaking Off the Miss Independent Complex

  • Session 1: It’s Giving Bare-Freaking-Minimum

  • Session 2: Heal Your Attachment Style

  • Session 3: Rewire Your Attraction to End Toxic Love Patterns

  • How to Know When it’s Time to Walk Away

  • If He Won't Another Man Will


  • Session 1: Are you repelling love?

  • Session 2: Letting Go

  • Session 3: Taking Ownership of Your Story

  • Session 4: Making Peace with the Mystery

  • Session 5: Dating Shouldn't Suck

A Value of $1,997

3 payments of $157

(no bonuses)


  • 5 Life Changing Modules

  • Lifetime Access to SITCH-SISTERS Accountability IG Group Chat

  • Situationship Shutdown E-book

  • 365 Singles Adventure Guide

  • BONUS: Breaking Off the Miss Independent Complex

  • Session 1: It’s Giving Bare-Freaking-Minimum

  • Session 2: Heal Your Attachment Style

  • Session 3: Rewire Your Attraction to End Toxic Love Patterns

  • How to Know When it’s Time to Walk Away

  • If He Won't Another Man Will

Hey, I'm Esther Marie

Singles, Dating, relationships author

At 31 years old I wrote a book called "Single Shouldn't Suck" & on the day of my book launch, Valentines day 2022, I met my NOW HUSBAND 🤯🥰

7 Months before meeting him, I was in a situationship & always found myself settling for passive men.

After sharing about my situationship lessons in an online reading plan called, “If He Wanted to He Would”

over 161,000 single women read it. This was a wake up call & made me realize: we are in a situationship pandemic.

I’ve surveyed HUNDREDS of Christian single women who told me situationships make up 100% of their dating life 😱 or their love life is just nonexistant.

Why do Jesus loving women compromise their worth & settle for bread crumbs?

I remember being blinded by false hope needing a wake up call. By Gods grace I got it & am now living the greatest love story of my life.

I've been at this for 3 years now helping Christian singles learn to partner with God, have adventure in singleness, & discernment in dating. With a background in theological studies (Life Christian University & Southeastern University) & humanitarian relief, my message offers biblical truth paired with brow-raising stories to guide you along your journey of self-discovery.

Now I’m teaching Christian single women everything I learned to help you discover IF you’re in a situationship, how to end it, how to heal your attachment style, how to rewire your attraction, & make healthy decisions in dating.

Let me be your guide to your own great love story. 

